3 Types Of Business Video You Should Create
Businesses have been adopting video more over the past several years, but few have been producing the right kind of video content to aid their marketing efforts. But what is the right kind of video? What types of video content should you be using to market your business? Is it something you’re capable of doing on your own? Lucky for you we have the answers to your burning questions.
First, it’s important to understand that there are many ways to produce video content. You can create videos with minimal budget using just your cellphone and social media (think Instagram stories, Snapchat, Facebook Live). You can also produce your own content in-house with a camera, some lights, and sounds gear which requires you to understand the art of video production and editing. Creating top-notch video requires skill and time, but hiring a pro can help. Video production companies are trained in crafting impeccable video content and culling all the important parts of your event or business into one neat package.
The important thing to remember is, even if you can execute—what quality video will you produce? Likely not the same caliber as a trained and experienced professional. And quality equals value. So if you want to learn how you can provide your customers and prospects with more value, you need to create the kind of video that compels them to take action, whatever it may be.
Let’s look at 3 types of video you should create
1. Company Story
A company story video, sometimes called a profile film, is the story of your company neatly packaged in video form. By allowing your viewer to experience a product or service through story, you empower them to take ownership and make a purchasing decision they believe in.
Company profile videos help give customers a look behind the scenes of your company. Think of it as a way to get to know you. This is where you can build trust with prospects, highlight who you are, what you do and why you do it.
2. Case Studies & Testimonials
Make your customer the main character, and your company the loyal sidekick. As the sidekick, you offer up all the tools the main character needs to make a successful resolution, all while staying out of the spotlight.
AnnieMac: Paul W. Testimonial from AJI Media on Vimeo.
Testimonials are great because there is nothing better than having current customers or partners vouch for your brand and the experiences they’ve had. It provides great insight into your brand for those on the outside.
3. Event Videos
If you’re a business that puts on presentations or hosts events and you’re not utilizing video, it’s time to start. Events present a primetime opportunity to generate content for your video marketing campaign. Here are three of the most common ways to incorporate event video:
1. Event Teasers
An often overlooked way to use video is long before your event even starts, Before the event, create an event teaser to promote your event and drive interest, registrations or excitement. Think of it like a movie trailer (minus the explosions).
2. Deep-Dive Talks
One of the best ways to position your brand as a trusted industry advisor and promote thought leadership is to record and share your expert speaker’s live talk (Think TED Talks). In addition, slicing your video into parts can also provide you with an email campaign or can be slowly leaked onto your social channels.
Or better yet, ask your speaker to stay after the event to deliver the cliff notes version of their presentation in a more controlled setting. This can be beneficial because it’s not tied to, or dated by, the event itself.
3. Event Recaps
After the event, create a highlights reel to wrap up key messages, promote future events, or even drive home a specific call-to-action.
The Bottom Line
While it’s easy to create video at low cost, producing high-quality, lead-generating, valuable video requires some investment. If you’re interested in learning more about how video can power your business, contact us and we’ll help get you started.
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