How to become crystal clear on what video content to create,
without wasting time, effort, or money

As a marketing director, you understand the power of video in driving business growth. It’s the ultimate tool to captivate your audience and make a lasting impact.
But let’s face it – navigating the world of video creation can feel a little overwhelming. You might find yourself wondering, “What type of video content should I create to truly elevate my brand and drive results?”
And the last thing you want to do is waste your time and resources trying to figure it out.
Lucky for you, we’re here to help you sidestep the learning curve and create the type of video you’ve only dreamed about – the kind that will not only enhance your brand’s reputation as a whole but also boost your bottom line.
The key lies in having a solid strategy that’s based on a Content Viewer Fit model. Which means creating video content that will profoundly resonate with the intended audience.
And that’s exactly what we’re going to explore in this video.
So Let’s get started.
Step 1: Break your audience into groups.
The key to creating video content that truly cuts through the noise starts with a deep understanding of your target audience. As a marketing director, you know that no two audience groups are the same. Each has its own unique set of characteristics, preferences, and motivations.
To ensure your video content connects on a deep level, it’s essential to break down your audience into distinct groups and tailor your content specifically for each one. This targeted approach allows you to speak directly to their wants and needs, capturing their attention and building a strong connection.
Imagine you’re marketing a running shoe that appeals to a diverse range of people – different ages, genders, and ethnicities. You’d want to create separate video campaigns for each group of people, ensuring maximum impact and engagement.
Let’s consider two examples:
An 18-year-old male, who’s passionate about athletics, might respond best to a short, high-energy TikTok video showcasing their favorite athlete sprinting in the running shoes.
On the other hand, a 55-year-old female, who values health and companionship, might respond better to a heartwarming TV or Facebook Ad that depicts a happily married couple jogging together.
As you can see, one size definitely does not fit all in this scenario – no pun intended.
This level of customization is crucial because generic video content that’s aimed at a wide audience just doesn’t cut it anymore. It’s best to speak directly to the individuals within your target groups, empathizing with their pain points and tapping into their aspirations. Doing so will create powerful connections that drive real results.
Step 2: Build your audience personas.
If the first step to remarkable video content is to break your audience into groups, then it only makes sense that the second step is to build out personas to represent each of them.
As a marketer, you’ve probably developed personas to represent your ideal customer. And if you haven’t, now is the time. Why? Because you’re going to use them to drive every video content decision you make.
By creating personas, you create a clear image of your target audience.
Understanding your audience’s aspirations and pain-points is essential to creating content that will speak to their heart.
Use this information to develop a stereotypical person who represents each of your audience groups, and create all of your video content with that person in mind.
By really digging into what each group wants, your video has a much better chance of breaking through the oversaturated media landscape.
Step 3: Understand their drivers.
We all know that the first few seconds of a video can make or break its success. In that short timeframe, viewers decide whether they’ll watch it or swipe past it on their never-ending social feed. So, how do you captivate their attention and make sure they’ll tune in?
The answer is simple: understand what makes your audience tick. This is so important when it comes to crafting a video message that will hook them from the start.
Within the first five seconds of a video, you need to identify your viewers’ pain points or desires. When you do that, you significantly increase your chances of grabbing their attention and overcoming the biggest challenge in video marketing – getting them to watch your video!
To get this right, you need to be crystal clear on the factors and motivations that influence and attract your target audience. Tailoring your video content to their specific needs is the secret sauce to maximum engagement.
Let’s break down a few ways to tap into drivers:
You can create videos that leverage personal stories, which forge emotional connections, drive engagement, and foster empathy.
Or, take an educational approach and offer content that satisfies your audience’s thirst for knowledge and desire to improve themselves.
Another option is to show them what goes on behind the scenes, which will satisfy an audience who needs to know you’re credible and trustworthy.
When you understand and harness these audience drivers effectively, you’ll create video content that captivates attention, resonates with your target audience, and ultimately drives the actions and conversions you’re aiming for.
Remember: those initial seconds matter. So, dive deep into your audience’s needs, hit their drivers, and craft video content that captivates from start to finish.
Step 4: Know what visuals they respond to.
In video marketing, visuals are the key to capturing your audience’s attention.
But here’s the thing: different audiences respond to different types of visuals. That’s why understanding what visuals resonate with your target audience is crucial for creating impactful video content that truly connects.
You can use research to get a feel for what types of visuals different audiences prefer.
For baby boomers, aspirational imagery works like magic. They value relationships and spending time with family and friends. By using imagery that reflects that, you can grab their attention and create an emotional connection.
On the other hand, millennials crave authenticity. They want to see real people, genuine experiences, and relatable situations. Using authentic imagery that portrays their diverse realities and embraces their values will resonate with this audience and capture their attention.
By knowing which visuals your audience responds to, you can develop powerful video concepts that speak directly to their desires and interests. And here’s the best part – when you produce video content that resonates with your audience, you’ll see an increase in engagement, brand loyalty, and goal conversions.
Step 5: Study their consumption habits.
Understanding how your audience consumes content is just as critical as knowing what they consume and where they consume it.
Are they impulsive buyers who make decisions quickly, or do they prefer to thoroughly learn and understand before committing? This insight is key in crafting video content that resonates with their preferences and drives action.
Let’s use Millennials as an example again, because, well .. I am one.
This tech-savvy generation values independence and discovering information for themselves. They’re not easily persuaded by traditional direct-response TV ads. Instead, they prefer online educational content that allows them to explore and absorb knowledge at their own pace. By delivering compelling educational videos, you’ll catch their attention and earn their trust.
By understanding your audience’s consumption habits, you can choose the most effective channels and formats to deliver your message. Maybe your target audience loves scrolling through social media feeds, which makes engaging short videos the perfect fit. Or perhaps they prefer in-depth content and would respond well to longer-form videos on platforms like YouTube.
When you align your video content strategy with how your audience consumes content, you’ll see a significant boost in engagement and conversions. Your videos will cut through the noise and connect with your audience on a deeper level, amplifying your brand’s impact and driving the results you desire.
So if you’re looking to elevate your brand, achieve a higher ROI, and create videos that people can’t resist watching, Contact AJI Media today, and let us show you how we take your video marketing to new heights.

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